Men may sometimes may use women for sex but not always unless they are really in love with that women. So if you have a man that you think uses you for sex just find out if he is really in love with you. I'm sure it will work out
Because they can.
There's nothing wrong with "no strings attached" sex, if both people agree. But sometimes men don't reveal their true agendas, essentially making the sex non-consensual.
Men who do that lack respect for women, and think they're simply objects to be used for a man's pleasure. These men don't care how their behavior affects other people, and may even rationalize that what they're doing is acceptable, or even beneficial to both parties.
Do you mean why do men do woman?? If so then it is because men are sexually interested in a female body unless or opposite. MEN USE US GIRLS FOR SEXUAL INTERCOURSE.
Men use woman he loves because when a woman loves a man she devote herself to the man and the man thinks she is fully depended on me, this makes man feel as he is god for the woman and pay less attention and start using her.
They treat English woman like trash. They lie, they cheat they use woman.
perfectly normal for both woman and men.
it means that you had relations with a men and that you didn't use a condom
A woman who is interested in men and other woman romantically/sexually is bisexual.
Only if the woman knows how to use spellcheck.
Men can probably use the same concealer as a woman. They can...but if you google "makeup for men" you'll find some lines packaged specially for men...with ultra-high prices to boot.
when woman is forecast, they are more successful than men, but men are successful
The use of a fatal woman or temptress. Which is a woman who uses her beauty or intellect to make men weak.
The most common use for a woman's dowry was economical rather than social. A dowry often ensured marriage to wealthier men.
Men can love an obese woman, and indeed, there are some men who prefer obese women.