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Men are immature.


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because they dont have nothing else to do

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Q: Why do men have women strip in front of them?
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Are lapdances in strip clubs considered cheating?

ANSWER: I think it depends on what those men are doing when they go to strip club and watch those women's dances in front of them. But in reality it is not cheating if your husband or boyfriend are with the group of his friends inside this strip club, just like us girls when we are watching those men who dances in front of people especially women. This issue can't be called cheating, but don't take my words for it, try to search it so it can give you peace of mine..

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Well the kids find it funny. But women find it very offensive for the men to fart in front of them.

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The Adidas Samoa is an athletic shoe available from Adidas. It has the three-strip pattern on the side and the traditional Adidas lace-up front. They are available for men and women styles and color patterns up to size 14.

How Do Women Like To Asked To Strip?

because men are married and strippers tend to be better looking than their wives

Your wife says she is not into strip clubs?

Some men have been noted for enjoying strip clubs, but most women up until the 60's to late 80's were simply curious and felt threatened by their boyfriends or husbands going to strip clubs. Some men would have their bachelor parties at a strip club mainly as a last fling of freedom, but the rules were and should be strict ... lap dance is as far as it should go! During the 60's to 80's women gained more freedom and male strip clubs were popular. However, there were many women that did not enjoy going to them; some went out of curiosity and it's an individual's choice. If you wife says 'no' to strip clubs then respect her wishes.

Can women and men work together in the marines?

Yes, but the women only stay in US or British waters while the men go onto ships which then go away to the front line

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There were no men in the Peanuts comic strip. All characters were children.

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