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When men and women reach puberty, both experience a rise in the hormone testosterone. The level of testosterone in men increases much more than in women. The presence of more testosterone in the male's body causes the larynx (voice box) to grow and angle itself outward, creating the "Adam's Apple," and causes the vocal chords to lengthen and become thicker. This concept is similar to a guitar--the thicker strings make a deeper pitch, and if you lengthen a string (in other words, loosen it) it will sound a lower pitch as well. Women's larynx also enlarge slightly (not enough to be seen through the skin of the neck) and so they also experience a minor deepening of the voice, but not as drastically as men because men dramatically increase in testosterone levels when they reach puberty. This also explains the difference between a boy's voice and a man's.

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Q: Why do men have lower voices than women?
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Yes. That is why men have deeper voices than women.

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why do women have deep voices like men

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Why do men generally have deeper voices than women?

It's because they wanna sound sexy inf front of dat right ladies!! lol! NEWay! also because the hormones in men change there voices and make them deeper as they age.The higher levels of testosterone in men than in women is a factor in having a deeper voice.