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Because men don't have periods, carry baby inside for 9 months, and they don't have to dress to the nines for each other. Also, since women are so miserable being...well, women and misery loves company. But, mainly, simply, because they can...

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They don't! There may be some who do, but in general I doubt that this is a common thing. Just because men say they "can't understand women" doesn't mean they hate them, afterall, they sure spend plenty of time chasing them!

Men do hate women. They like "pussy". That's what they chase. That's all the thugs understand.

It's feminism and false equality men detest. Many Women in the western world especially, are instinctively shallow, material, and will go by instinct to the highest male bidder, and your nice average guy in the street will get squashed emotionally every time.

This is something girl's are taught from infancy since the 80's especially. Women have never had it so good as they do now. There is more choice's for them, they get the better opportunities to better themselves at the work place easier than men do, they are respected more than men even when its not warranted, BUT, but they still expect to be romanced, wined and dined and all at the expense, effort and time of the man always, so were not as far along with equality that you might think or wish.

But since the beginning of time man has provided for his woman, from the caves upwards in time, anything he gets he has always shared willingly with his woman. There has been many experiences time after time where women have been rescued from poverty by their men, and the men were glad to do it because of adoration and love for them, but tell me, how many career women nowadays would rescue a poor man and love him and share their life with him? NONE! They want a rich man who will share with them everything he has, BUT they will not do the same back, their not capable of that generosity much preferring to HOARD their money for a rainy day, that's women for you.

Today's women want Richard Armitage double, £70,000 per annum, own house, drives a black Audi, no baggage, no past and no risk to themselves or their money and property, so because of this there is no love in this life than a MAN'S love for a WOMEN, women aren't capable of that kind of committed love, and until we can cleanse Feminism and mould women back to something that resembles a real women again there's going to be a lot of male loneliness and misery in the future.

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Calissa Jensen

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4y ago

I been in a long dis relationship with a poor man for 6 and half year. He lives in Another Country and works hard for a fraction what we make in a month. He typically earns 300 to 400 a month. And I visited him 2 times. I seen prices of thing’s such as clothing that was very expensive in terms of his earnings. Such as a cute t shirt I wanted to buy for my daughter. I converted the cost from his currency to ours. It was 50 dollar. That just showed me how he is expected to live with poor pay. He pays everything at home for his mom and other siblings living there. the siblings don’t work or contribute and they don‘t help around the house either. I know he is tired of taking care of lazy inconsiderate siblings. When I see him this year if I’m able to go. I will be actively helping him with everything I can. If he was here with me, we would do everything to help each other progress. He doesn’t own a car. I been convincing him to learn how to drive. It will make getting a license here that much easier.

lumping all women into this idea of what women want from a man is ridiculous. If I simply wanted a man to take care of me and buy me whatever whenever, I wouldn’t have suffered hardships being far from a man I truly want to be with. Almost 7 year’s apart when all we want is to be in the same place at the same time.

You say women are are not capable of love commitments. I been committed to him for 6 and half year. I have an engagement ring on my finge. But we been waiting for year’s to be able to marry.

You also say us women were taught to want material thing’s since infancy. I don’t recall ever getting what I want from my parents when I wanted it. In fact, we never received anything unless it was our birthday or Christmas. I only received new clothes when school was about to start. Later I had my first part time job and I didn’t earn much at all. My paychecks were pitiful when I worked long days all summer. I was 14 year’s old. But I bought whatever little thing’s I could afford. This was in the 80’s.

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