Well it gets deeper,if you are a man your voice gets deeper if you are a woman your singing voice get a tab bit lower no much but a little.Do not worry you are not turnning into a monster.!!
A woman generally has a higher voice and a man usually has a courser or scrapy voice.
It depends. My voice got deeper when I was 12.
Sophia Bush's voice was deeper due to her naturally raspy voice and her health. During the seasons where she had a deeper voice, she claimed that she was ill.
A women's Voice gets lower. Just not as low as a man's voice.
Your voice is deeper in the morning because the vocal cords swell and thicken while you sleep, making them vibrate at a lower frequency, resulting in a deeper voice.
it fully depends on the physical body of the man...it is stated the woman has high pitch voice or shrill voice... and male have hoarse voice..
happy birthdayhi to all !if u need a strong crisp deeper voice you should go to ebay and purchase A book "HOW TO GET A DEEPER VOICE?" . this book suggests exercises which work really well. You don't need to waste timewhile surfingsite to site. These exercises are so useful that you get results early and u can perform theses exercises even with your busy schedule. deeper voice is a dream of every man and that's what it offers,,,,,,atleast I purchased it and it worked for me........
Yes it can. the reason why is because you can get lung cancer. your voice will sound deeper
The voice is deeper in the morning because the vocal cords swell and thicken overnight, making them vibrate at a lower frequency, resulting in a deeper sound.
In general, soprano describes the higher-pitched tones of a woman's voice, or more generally, her singing voice. Tenor can describe either a man or a woman, while baritone and base can be used to describe men's singing voices.
Through pubertyhi to all !if u need a strong crisp deeper voice you should go to ebay and purchase A book "HOW TO GET A DEEPER VOICE?" . this book suggests exercises which work really well. You don't need to waste timewhile surfingsite to site. These exercises are so useful that you get results early and u can perform theses exercises even with your busy schedule. deeper voice is a dream of every man and that's what it offers,,,,,,atleast I purchased it and it worked for me........