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Because it is a deformity in one of the types of cells in your body. just like Down syndrome is a deformity of an X chromosone (chromosone 21). that's why every baby that has down syndrome, regardless of the race, look alike

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Q: Why do little people have normal torsos though they have short limbs?
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Dithoracic means having two torsos.

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There is not an exact answer: some people have longer legs, others have longer torsos.

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"Size s p" typically refers to petite sizing, which is designed for people of shorter height. It is a smaller size range that is specifically proportioned for shorter torsos and inseams.

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Those are called Centaurs if I am correct. ~ Singer

How long is the longest a person's leg torsos can get?

They are 2 differing body parts The leg is one the Torso the other