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Because they do

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Q: Why do ligaments get stronger?
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How does ligament strength increase?

what makes ligaments stronger?

Tendons and ligaments?

Tendons are connective tissues that are seen at sites where a muscle is connected to a bone. Ligaments are stronger connective tissues that connect bones to other bones.

What hsppend to bones when you exercise?

Nothing, the ligaments and muscles surrounding the bones get stronger, but the bones themselves don't change in any way

Could you give me some advice on running with arthritis?

Running isn't bad for you and doesn't often cause arthritis. Stronger ligaments means stronger joints and actually gives you less of a risk. This is most likely why he hasn't gotten arthritis.

Were do you find ligaments?

Ligaments are found at joints.

What are the ligaments for?

Ligaments connect bone to bone.

Why are ligaments not found in axial skeleton?

But ligaments are found in both. Bones are connected to bones with ligaments.

How are bones attached together?

Bones are attached to each other by tendons

What provides a cushion and prevents wear and tee in a joint?

ligaments;] cartilage A+

What tissue holds the bones together at one joint?


What do the membranes and ligaments do?

Ligaments connect bone to bone.

What happens if your body had no ligaments?

what happens if our body had no ligaments