A person can feel tired and achy with no fever if they are just in the early stages of getting a cold. Lots of water and hand washing can help prevent a cold, as well as getting enough sleep.
Yes its normal. Its most likely the position the baby is laying in which is causing you to feel achy and his/her constant movement in your tummy is probably making you feel tired. However its VERY common to become anemic during pregnancy so see your doctor.
They feel their forehead to determine if they have a fever. People with a fever feel hot. So if your forehead feels hot then you have a fever.
With each bout of fever the patient have a batch of red blood cells destructed. He gets hemolytic anaemia. That makes him to have less oxygenation of tissue and so he feels tired and weak.
I get up in the morning and I don't feel achy all over and I'm so sprightly.
The answer to this question means feeling tired or confused.
because you are so run down and tired
We are like phones. If we do too much of something such as playing sports, all of a sudden you start to not feel too well and feel tired. So if you take a rest or nap or sleep, then you will feel energized again.
why do i feel so tired on the injection is it normal.
of course you would feel tired but your getting payed so drink caffeine
because you are tired. it is not only phisicaly but emotionaly normal to be tired .to resolve this,try to sleep or rest.drink water.
Having a fever can make you feel cold and shiver from sweating. It is nature's way to cool you off from a fever. You may also feel hot with a fever. You can have a fever with the Swine Flu (Novel H1N1), so you may feel either way from the fever. See related question links below for more information about swine flu symptoms.
u barely ate and ur food has not finished going through ur body so all of ur food makes u feel nausea