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if you are seeing a guy, then chances are he doesnt wanna know anything about your ex

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Q: Why do guys want to know about your ex?
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How do you know if a ex girlfriend is over you?

you know there over you if they flirt or date other guys

How can you make your ex want you back?

Since hes your ex you should already know what he liked about you in the beginning of the relationship, 1st you have to make sure you stay friends with your ex, try to stay close to him, then once you and your ex are friends again, slowly start flirting again, it works sooo well... (I've made my ex want me back 5 times :] by using this) and if your ex gets jealous hang out with other guys as well when you and your ex start being friends (but don't hang out with other guys too much, he will start losing interest if you do that)

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At work there's this guy. Every time I ask about another guy, he always asks me "Why do you want to know?" Why are guys curious about other guys? Example: Me: Where Chris going? Him: Why, why do you want to know? Me: Why do you care that i want to know? Him: I don't care i just want to know why you want to know where Chris is going. Me: -_-

What can you say to your ex so that hell want you back?

don't say or demand anything to him,hangout with the guys he doesnt know about and who are more cool than him and pretend that you are already over him.

Why an ex asks if you have a bf?

Guys don't want to think that they can be replaced. If you moved on it might hurt them, and they'll want you back.

Why do guys want to know more about you when they can't date you?

They want to be your friend

Who made lunch?

if you guys want to know this you have to be famous

Should a guys ex girlfriend get with his friend?

if they want them back badly enough . as long as the girl is hot go for it

How do you know that she doesn't love you?

she doesen't show it but she will at unusual She cheats on you She talks about other guys or ex-boyfriends She comes home late all the time She doesn't want s** She is not there for you when she is suppose to(she doesn't care about you)

Why do guys not want to be with you?

who knows! all i know is that guys can sometimes be so mean and selfish but i love them anyway!

How do you know when your ex is truly over you?

When your ex doesn't ever talk to you. sometimes your ex might just want to be your friend though

Is it true that guys do not miss and love their ex girlfriend that were together for eight years and is easy for them to move on and forget her?

No, it is not always true that guys don't miss their ex girlfriends. A percentage of guys actually do miss their girlfriends. It's not easy for some guys to get over their ex girlfriends anymore than an ex girlfriend trying to get over her ex boyfriend.