I'm male and I say that your generalization is an unfair misconception. Men play mind games all the time as well. It is simply a personality trait when people play mind games, and not an assigned gender role. Try finding different women.
no im a guy and i hate it when girls play hard to get it makes guys feel like there unloved but that's the fun of it! girls love to make guys feel unloved
No because the girls just like kiss you.
99% guys 0% girls 1% aliens
All girls like dorky guys, especially if they have no life and play WoW all day.
Well, it is sometimes better to play with the guys as much as girls especially if you are tomboy. Then it is better because you get to spend more time with the guy. If you like a guy but do not like sports then you should try FLIRTING!
Sure! Some do. However that would be like asking do girls like smart guys. Some do, some don't. It isn't one of those all or nothing situations. You need to keep in mind that although some guys like girls who play video games and sports, some like girly girls. Like I am not a really a tom boy but i am not really a girly girl and shure i play video games and i put on make up but i mean if he doesn't like u cuz u play video games the he has mass problems
because guys are not made to spell we where born to play sports play video games and gety girls
Some do and some don't.
yes, because girls that play soccer are hard!
it depends i have a better awswer ..... no they dont
Personally, if a girl is into Games like CoD, that is pretty cool. Us guys would be impressed if a girl could beat us at the game. [Not trying to be sexist]
they are just like that