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Because girls rule and we feel as if everything should be ours which it cant but it has decreased by 33%

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Q: Why do girls get jelous?
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yes rayray goes out with beauty to,omg i know other girls r jelous but to all u girls that is jelous of that u will find ua man

Why do girls get jelous about girls touching their BF?

The same reason boys get jealous about guys touching their girlfriend. Sexual jealousy.

Why do guys get wound up when girls talk about Justin bieber and hot celeb guys?

Because they are jelous, they want the girls to fancy them not 'stupid' Justin or anyone else. if you fancy jb or anyone else just ignore the boys there just jelous :)

What do guys do after breaking up with their girlfriends?

They actually go out with new girls to make their ex jelous..

Why do boys make girls jelous?

Boys may not intentionally set out to make girls jealous. Jealousy can stem from insecurity, lack of communication, or misunderstandings in the relationship. It's important for both parties to communicate openly and honestly to address any feelings of jealousy.

What is the french word for jealous?

le jelous le jelous

Is Tori Morgan a phsyco?

yes she is most defenetly is shes a crazy phsyco path she murders little girls cause shes jelous

Is miley jelous of demi?

she she is miley is jelous of demi because she kissed joe

How can you tell a guy is making you jealouse please no silly answers?

u know when he is trying to make u jelous when he is hanging out with other girls and keeps looking at u 2 make sure that u r looking and when he talks 2 u (if he does idk) if he mentions him doing stuff with other girls. Then u know that he is trying to make u jelous. I hope i helped! :)

What to say when girls are mean too you?

all you have to do is igore them, they only be mean to you because they are jelous of you, if you ignore them they will get tired of bugging you. Good look hope my advise works

Do girls like jelous boys?

Most definitely NOT. Jealousy means insecurity, and leads to clinginess and possibly domestic abuse. A jealous boy is a huge red flag.

Are boys jelous of Justin bieber?

Yes they are,,,, They are because girls all over the world LOVE him... So yes or no.... It depends on the boy But yes they are. They say they aren't though.