oh boy - the different answers you could get for this question! Here are some reasons as I see them: they have dry and/or chapped lips; nervousness; trying to be "sexy"; have some kind of food or drink on their lips and are licking it off; it could be an unconscious habit...
Everybody bites their lip.
Yes, usually they are.
When your talking they will look at your lips or they will lick their lips or bite their lower lip.
Boys generally kiss girls by applying their lips to a girls and having a puckering motion to imply a kiss.
Well first I hope you didn't bite a girls face but if you are talking about lips I would say flavored lipgloss, Chapstick, or lip balm
by erotically grabbing their hips and bringing them close to you perky lips, then in a swooping motion ferociously lock lips with his neck
Their lips and skin are so soft and silky.
Some do, some do not. Depending on the girl
Girls, like everyone else, kiss on the lips as a way to show affection, closeness, and intimacy with their partner. Kissing is a common way to express love and desire in romantic relationships.
When guys bite their lips & licks their lips, it gives girls a bit of a turn on.
This could be because he likes your body, and likes you as his.
on their arms sometimes. on the cheek, the neck, the chest, and the genitals.