Dead skin cells get trapped between the gauge and the living skin cells. As they break down and rot they release the very distinct odor. Frequent cleaning of the gauge and the ear should reduce, if not completely eliminate the smell.
The future tense of "stink" is "will stink."
They do not stink.
no it will not. the stink bugs protection will always be there
stink bugs r not female because females don't stink male dofemale stink bugs NO male r stink bugs
it does stink
it doesnt stink
spongebob does not stink
The 49ers do not stink.
"You stink" in German is "Du stinkst."
Stink weed does stink. Several plants are called stink weed such as Tree of Heaven a.k.a. Ghetto Palm a.k.a. Ailanthus a.k.a. Stink Tree. Jimson weed is also called stink weed. If you don't think either of these plants stink, you ought to look up "Anosmia", "Hyposmia", or "Dysosmia"...your nose just isn't working right.
that they stink?....