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because your fingers get cold and when your fingers get cold nerves in your fingers slowly shut down that's why ppl get frost bite

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Q: Why do fingers get numb when holding ice cubes?
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Related questions

How do you numb skin?

Either a numbing spray, or ice cubes can be used to numb skin.

How do you turn colourful ice cubes to white ice cubes?

Why turn them into plain clear ice cubes when u can have colorful ice cubes? colorful ice cubes are awesome

Is there any ways of un munbing your mouth?

There are many ways of numbing your mouth. There are hOmemade ways such as holding ice cubes in your mouth for an extended amount of time and then taking it out. I heard if you put salt and lemon juice and mix it up and the keep the juice in your mouth, your tongue goes numb. And there are some medicines from the store like ORAJEL that will make your mouth numb. Hope this helped!

Are ice cubes water in liquid state?

Ice cubes are solid water.

What melts faster water ice cubes or soda ice cubes?

Water :)

Does ice cubes help the pain from getting your ears pierced?

Ice will help to numb the area, reducing pain. If you want to hold the ice in contact with your skin for more than a few seconds it is best to use a cloth between ice and skin to reduce the risk of the cold damaging your skin.

How do make ice cubes?

Well, the general way of making ice cubes is filling ice cube trays with water and putting them in a freezer, or you can buy a fridge that has an ice cube machine to make ice cubes for you.

When we serve a drink on the rocks what do we mean?

Rocks refers to ice cubes. A drink served on the rocks means that it is poured over ice cubes, and served with the ice cubes in the drink.

What are some examples of when a gas change into a solid?

ice cubes floor ice cubes floor

Why does ice cubes float on top of water?

Ice cubes are less dense than water.

Why are ice cubes not minerals?

Ice cubes are not naturally-occurring in the cube form, they are man-made. But ice itself is a mineral.

Would ice cubes melt in hot water first or will the ice cubes freeze the water first?

The ice cubes will melt in the hot water first. The heat energy from the hot water will transfer to the ice cubes, causing them to melt.