The ex girlfriend may be bitter, or she may simply not like the present girlfriend because she is literally replacing her & she has what the ex girlfriend had.
If you are the "Ex-Girlfriend" than you should either, A. Ignore Your Ex-Boyfriend B. Ignore His New Girlfriend C. Try To Be Friends D. Cry Your Eyes Out E. Be A Jerk To Him You should do C.
No; he has ex girlfriends, but is not currently dating anyone.
No, it is not always true that guys don't miss their ex girlfriends. A percentage of guys actually do miss their girlfriends. It's not easy for some guys to get over their ex girlfriends anymore than an ex girlfriend trying to get over her ex boyfriend.
he doesn't have one, he has 20 girlfriends; 0 ex-gfs
You can't but it will be the job of your girlfriend. She's the only one that can tell them to leave the two of you alone. If you did it alone without her knowledge the ex boyfriend and ex husband will make sure to make you miserable. But it sounds like your girlfriend doesn't want to deal with them both, so maybe you can try to ignore them both...
He has never had a girlfriend yet, since birth.:)
tell your girlfriend abvout him and tell her to talk to him and if he doesnt understand ignore him and he will go away.!!!!
well no. ex girlfriend is the key word idiot
It can mean something or nothing to you. It all depends if you and your ex girlfriends father were close or if you and your ex girlfriend were close and you just want to be there for support. If not then it shouldn't really matter to you.
a huge mistake
Selena Gomez, Sara Hicks, and Taylor Swift are some of Taylor Lautner's ex-girlfriends.
a huge mistake