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In small quantities, it will be expelled with the normal waste. In large quantities, it can block the colon or intestine and the child may not be able to expel waste or void. Sand is non toxic and has no nutritional value. If you are unsure of the amount ingested. you should consult your physician.

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because of nutritional problem

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Q: Why do children feel like eating sand?
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Does eating sand affect the appendix?

yes eating sand does affect your appendix. the body can not disgest the sand since it is in tiny grains. its almost like saying to a kid in the candy store because they can get cavitys you can get really sick if you eat sand.

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sand stones are usually small in size and it feels rough.

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They feel like a piece of hard sand. Usually, I find them stuck between my teeth.

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Sandstone usually just feels like sand.

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They have a bony feel, like coral. They have small opening to which to move their 'feet' and to feed.

Is moon sand toxic?

Moon sand is generally considered non-toxic and safe for children to play with. However, as with any play material, ingestion of large amounts could potentially lead to gastrointestinal issues. It's always best to supervise young children when playing with moon sand to prevent them from putting it in their mouths.

What are the dangers of eating sand?

The main danger of eating sand is loss of healthy enamel that cannot be regained

What sandstone feel like?

it feels like sand is been burnt with water and form sandstone

Is the cure for cancer eating sand?

No. Unless there is mysterious compound found in sand, eating it will not cure cancer at all.

Is eating sand bad for you?

Eating sand can greatly erode tooth enamel, causing decay, cavities, sensitivity, discoloration, and pain. This is because of the abrasiveness of the sand.

What does a lugworm eat?

Lugworms eat sand -Not exactly- Lugworms do feed off little particles of sediment, like sand, but they aren't actually eating the sand- their mouth filters out the edible stuff- like bacteria, microorganisms and detritus, and leaves behind the bigger particles, like the actual grains of sand