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Means they dont wanna talk to you about this or they afraid of their moms see those texts. Sometime means they are shy about this or they want to talk to you face to face

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Q: Why do boys you like stop texting you when you ask them about the relationship?
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Yes of course just stop texting. If you know you shouldn't be doing this then stop.

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If you don't answer his constant texting and ignore it he should get the message loud and clear. Tell him to stop texting you all the time and learn to talk to you face to face.

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usually if you reply 'stop' to text services then they stop texting you pretty sharpish.

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tell them to stop or be mean and say you dont like them maybe they might stop

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Just tell him politely that you are not interested.

Why has she stop texing you?

Sometimes girls stop texting when they are using the restroom. If you haven't received a response in days, she either has extreme bowel movements or doesn't like you :)

What to do when a texting convorsation get awkward?

You either change the subject or make up a reason to stop texting.

How do you stop texting him?

Put your phone down

Do you want me to stop texting you?

Yes please

Should you stop texting boy its hurting your boyfriend?

Yes, because you are dating him, not the guy you're texting.