I think that the reason boys poke girls in the side is because its there only way to flirt in a sexy way while they don't want to show there feelings. I've had guys do this to me before and later have found out that they liked me and didn't wanna tell me.
Boys usually poke girls when they want attention, or conversation, Show them a little attention and laugh and poke back, but if it gets annoying then move, or tell them straight up.
Girls always poke boys because the boy pokes the girl first. They are generally looking for a reaction, and girls get annoyed (which is what they want) so girls poke back.Well I'm a girl and I poke this boy because I like him. I want to get his attention and it's fun to poke each other. I usually tend to stop if the boy seems to be annoyed or mad. I'm 13 and girls in my class are always poking or forehead flicking me or pulling my hair. They don't do it becauser they like me, just enjoy teasing me and getting me hot and bothered. Grr, it's frustrating.
It depends on which side you are viewing it from. If you are viewing it form the girls' side, they think boys are stuck up. If you are viewing it from the boys' side, they think that girls are stuck up. It is just a matter of opinion, since all boys are not stuck-up.
Right side, left side are for girls:)
Girls use both sides of their brains, just like boys do.
it is so simple boys to girls . who is the people to ask out , boys ask girls . girls do not ask boys.
It is for boys AND girls!!
Boys and Girls
There are schools where both boys and girls go. There are also boys only schools and girls only schools.There are schools where both boys and girls go. There are also boys only schools and girls only schools.There are schools where both boys and girls go. There are also boys only schools and girls only schools.There are schools where both boys and girls go. There are also boys only schools and girls only schools.There are schools where both boys and girls go. There are also boys only schools and girls only schools.There are schools where both boys and girls go. There are also boys only schools and girls only schools.There are schools where both boys and girls go. There are also boys only schools and girls only schools.There are schools where both boys and girls go. There are also boys only schools and girls only schools.There are schools where both boys and girls go. There are also boys only schools and girls only schools.There are schools where both boys and girls go. There are also boys only schools and girls only schools.There are schools where both boys and girls go. There are also boys only schools and girls only schools.
They can be both boys and girls, but usually boys.
there are more boys in the world acording to the govament there is 3248080000 boys and there is 3214983000 girls (\___/) (='.'=) ('')-('')