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i read that if your chicken is sick they will try to flush it out of there systom by drinking a lot of water and if they drink to much and move arrownd they will vomit so i suggest looking at there poop to make sure its normal and just keeping an eye on them

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What are baby chicken called?


What do you call a group of baby chicks?

A flock chickens, a brood of hens, and a clutch or peep of chicks.

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birds and mainly baby birds

How does a baby chicks eat?

They trow up in the chicks mouth.

Can you put baby chicks in cedar shakes?

NO. because the baby chicks can only put in a nest or in a cage.

Why do guys call blondes chicks?

Chicks as in baby chickens. Chicks are a yellow/blonde colour.

What is a baby chick a symbol of?

Baby chicks are associated with Spring and Easter. Baby chicks are a symbol of livestock and harvesting for farmers in the United States.

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Young penguins are called chicks.

What do you call a chickens baby?

a chick Well i am guessing you call them chicks!!

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Artemis Fowl hasn`t got any baby. I don`t think so but... If you mean fowl birds, they're called chicks. you should be more clear with your questions.

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Baby chicks