'All white people' do not like deviled eggs. Liking deviled eggs - or any other food - has nothing to do with the color of one's skin. It's imply a matter of taste - some people of any skin color will like them, and some people of any skin color will not like them.
There's no Japanese word for "deviled" so they just say the English word with a Japanese accent. Written down, "deviled eggs" looks like デビルド卵 and its Roomaji is "debirudo tamago."
I like Deviled Eggs or toast
They taste like a half boiled egg and are a bit spicy
No, they have live babies just like people.
There are a myriad of brunch options using eggs. Decide if you'd like the eggs to be a main dish, such as quiche, or as a side or appetizer, such as deviled eggs. You can find these recipes and others at websites such as www.kraft.com, www.bettycrocker.com or www.allrecipes.com
white like chicken eggs
Some food items eaten in the 1950s include fruit cups, deviled eggs, and garlic olives. Main courses included pot pies, baked fish, and casseroles.
Eggs are white on the outside with a orange center
If it has been in the fridge, yes. It would be like eating four day old egg salad, and we all see that in vending machines at work!
Penguins eggs are a yellow colour.
white like chicken eggs
it is yellowish greenish but is almost clear to humans