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I'm not sure for definite but i think it's when your body gets a shock from the cold and also if you get brain freeze

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Q: Why do I get dizzy when you take a cold shower?
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Related questions

How do you keep rooms cold?

with the a/c or take a cold shower.

Do you take a cold or hot shower after a workout?

Cool down for a bit then take a kinda warm shower

Why are we not cold when we take a shower?

the water is hot. when we get out we're hella cold

What happens of you take a cold shower after working out?

You get clean.

What if your face your eyes are burning to you?

Take a cold shower!

Is it safe to have a cold shower when you have a cold?

it techniqly not safe or non-safe . i know when i have a cold i take a really HOT shower. it helps me breath way better.

Which is healthiear a cold shower or a hot shower?

a cold shower

Can you take a cold shower if you have a runny nose?

It will make you worse.

Can you loose weigt by wearing clothes in the shower?

NO, it is not safe and you can get a cold. However it can make you feel shorter because there is a lot of weight in you, doesn't mean you will be shorter basically dizzy.

Why do guys take a cold shower?

once a guy gets..."HOT" and turned on if hes not going to get some, either wack at it or take a cold shower, because when cold water is hitting him getting some will be the last thing on his mind

Do you have take hot or cold showers when you have chickenpox?

You better take a warm shower, it will good on your chicken pox!

Why a bathroom mirror fogged while you take a shower?

Cold air holds less moisture than warm air. When you run the shower with hot water, the moisture condenses on the cold mirror surface causing it to fog up. If you run the shower cold, the mirror will not fog up.