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Q: Why do I feel like throwing up?
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How does jazz music affect you?

Makes me feel like throwing up.

What is the difference of sick and nauseated?

sick is when ur throwing up or sneezing, have a cold and stuff, and nausteaded is when u FEEL like throwing up

Why would a girl feel like throwing up after sex?

becuase she doesnt like the guy having it with her

What happens when you feel like through in up?

Well, if you mean throwing up, or vomiting, you probably will. I would hang out in the bathroom, ya know, just in case.

Why are you sleeping all day but if you eat anything you feel like you're going to throw it back up?

If you are sleeping all day and feel like throwing up anything you eat, you may have an immune disease and you should talk to your doctor about it.

Do you take suboxone when you are already throwing up for withdrawl?

yes, i feel better after

How did the 13 colonies feel?

They felt like throwing a tantrum, and look where that took them.

Is it normal to feel like throwing up or get cramps when you lie down on your stomach?

No, It is not normal. I am not a doctor or a nurse. I would go see a doctor as soon as possible.

What does it mean if you feel like throwing up and you are dizzy cold and your looking pale?

It means that ur period is coming soon or if it hasnt started u have pms

Why do you feel sick after working out?

You shouldn't feel sick after working out, tired stiff are possibilities , if you are really un fit or have just eaten you may feel nauseous (like throwing up) but you should not feel sick at least not regularly, I recommend seeing a doctor.

Why don't cats like it when you try to flop them up in the air?

Cats don't like you to try to flop them up in the air for a few reasons. Partly it disorients them and they are afraid you won't catch them, and mostly it makes their stomach heave so they feel like throwing up.

If you have asthma will I feel like throwing up?

Pneumonia is a lung infection that can make you very sick. Having a long-term, or chronic, disease like asthma, heart disease, cancer, or diabetes also.