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Q: Why do I feel cold after I go Pee?
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Why do i feel cold and need to pee a lot?

If a person is cold a lot and has to pee often may have a cold. The person could also be pregnant, because the urge to pee is a sign of pregnancy.

How girl feel holding pee?

They feel pressure in the bladder, like they have to go. when a girl has to pee really bad she starts to feel pressure in the lower abdomen.

What does it mean when your pee is cold?

Your urine comes out at body temperature, which even if dangerously low, would not feel cold to the touch. If your pee feels cold to you it is because it is wet and just feels that way without actually being cold.

Can pee freeze in cold temperatures?

Yes, pee can freeze in cold temperatures.

Why teach my puppy to use puppy pee pads instead of just going outside?

It depends if you have cold weather and you have a small dog. The dog might not want to go outside into the really cold weather. That's why people would use the pee pad. Going outside you need to teach them to let you know when the go to go. My opinion you might want to teach the puppy both so when its to cold to go outside it can use the pee pad.

Where do people go pee in Japan?

The go pee where they go pee

Does pee freeze in cold temperatures?

Yes, pee can freeze in extremely cold temperatures, just like water.

What happense if your dog is to cold to go pee?

If your dog is too cold to go pee, they may hold it in until they are in a warmer environment. It's important to ensure they are adequately protected from the cold with a coat or sweater, and try to find a sheltered spot for them to go outside. In extreme cold conditions, consider using indoor pee pads or providing a designated indoor toileting area for them.

Why is my pee cold in the shower?

When you're in the shower, the water is usually warmer than your body temperature. When you pee, the liquid is at your body temperature, so it may feel colder as it comes into contact with the cooler shower water.

What causes an indoor cat to pee on carpet?

an indoor cat may pee on the carpet because it has no where else to go or they feel threatened or they are marking their territory from other cats

If your a constipated girl what does if feel like for a guy to help you go poop or pee?

It feels like... 'wrong'.

How do you know when you need to pee?

You will get an ucomfortable feeling in your bladder area and when you go do your *buiesness* you will feel MUCH better!