Maybe you were made to be the oppisite gender but something went wrong.....
if you are not ready dont let him do something that you dont feel comfortable with.
It means they dont feel comfortable talking about it.
You have bi-sexuals in this world because people may feel like they just dont like one gender but another gender they feel their gender is atractive to them and they like them but, they have no sexual contact.They also like the opposite gender and they have sexual contact with them.
Act the way you feel. and whatever you are comfortable with. dont pressure yourself
BE YOURSELF, if u have 2 act nice then u dont feel comfortable around them
Dont pressure her...say what u feel and hope for the best
only if you feel comfortable if not dont
you should tell them the truth, unless you really dont feel comfortable about it.
Gender identity and heredity are two central issues associated with biological psychology in the context of human development and psychological function. Gender identity may be more important since it can help people who do not feel comfortable with their gender.
tell him exactly how you feel, because the more you tell the truth in a relationship the more trust is built and the more comfortable you feel with that person!