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The reason you have to go to the bathroom constantly is because you have a bladder problem. GET SOME HELP!

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Q: Why do I always have to go to the bathroom?
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What can you do if someone is stalking you and she always hides in the bathroom?

Go to a different bathroom

Should people go change without going to the bathroom?

If they are changing their clothings, no they should not be doing that without going to the bathroom. If people want to change the clothes, they must always go to the bathroom. It is very innapropriate to show nasty stuff and many people don't like it.

When will you go to the bathroom?

You will go to the bathroom when you are ready to. I hope you make it peaceful.

Do you think you should pee on yourself or go to the bathroom?

go to the bathroom

Where do you go to use the bathroom?

In the bathroom. On the toilet

Is it proper etiquette to shake your doctors hand?

Yes but always disinfect your hands before and after but not in public go to a bathroom and wash.

Is it less work or more efficient to operate a bathroom ventilation fan with the door open or closed?

To get maximum airflow for fan in a bathroom, to remove damp air and odors, always keep the bathroom door wide open and alsohave a window open in the room the door leads from to let you go into the bathroom.

When do squirrels go to the bathroom?

They usually go to the bathroom when they are by themselves, holding still, and not eating.

How does a girl go to the bathroom?

they take their time in the bathroom one goes and the others have to go

How do boys go to the bathroom?

Boys go to the bathroom by standing up and holding their penis.

How do women go to the bathroom in a men's bathroom?

Women can sit on the toilets in a mens' bathroom the same as they do in a womens' bathroom.

Is it always dangerous to have appliances in the bathroom?

not usually