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Low blood suger. Or GO SEE A DOCTOR.

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Q: Why did you get dizzy an pass out all of a sudden?
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Why do you get dizzy all of a sudden and your vision messes up also i forget where i am and whats going on and why does it seem like it's always getting worse?

Because your a werewolf

Why do you feel dizzy when you get up from sleep?

This is caused by sudden shift of blood or what we call orthostatic hypotension.

Why do you get dizzy and nervous all of a sudden?

There could be many reasons for feeling dizzy. The basic physical response is from adrenalin, or epinephrine. This is the "fight or flight" hormone produced during stress. That can make you nervous and jittery, and maybe dizzy. Of course, you could also have some kind of sickness that makes you feel bad. If it continues, have a doctor check you out.

Is it natural to feel dizzy after an earthquake experience?

Yes, it is common to feel dizzy or disoriented after experiencing an earthquake due to the sudden movement and shaking of the ground. This sensation can be caused by the body's natural stress response to a sudden and unexpected event, and it usually subsides once the shaking stops. If you continue to feel dizzy or unwell, it's important to seek medical attention.

Can Eczema make you dizzy?

I have eczema but I haven't fet dizzy at all. If you lose control with eczema you might get dizzy by scartching to much.

What is the definition of the word lunging?

To make a sudden thrust or pass.

What are the effects of this movement?

you can get all dizzy

Another way to say all of the sudden?

The correct phrase is "all of a sudden". Bad grammar is often spread because the phrase is misheard, and "all of a sudden" sounds very similar to "all the sudden" or "all of the sudden" when a person says it quickly.

When was All of a Sudden created?

All of a Sudden was created in 1982.

Why every time that I suddenly wake up from bed I get this black out in my eyes and makes me feel dizzy?

I'm no expert, but if I'm not mistaken, its the sudden transfer of blood to your lower extremities as you become upright from being horizontal all night.

How can I prevent feeling dizzy after deadlifts?

To prevent feeling dizzy after deadlifts, make sure to breathe properly, stay hydrated, and avoid sudden movements. Additionally, focus on maintaining good form and gradually increasing the intensity of your workouts to build up your strength and endurance.

What is wrong if you get dizzy in your head all the time and little twitches in your limbs and they go all the way down your body and you feel like your going to pass out all the time?

Please see your physician immediately. There are several serious conditions that could be involved.