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In the new wave of change that came with the Romantic Movement was that writers, artist, and poets talk about feelings emotions and peace and tranquility. Rather than then in the classical way of reason.

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Q: Why did romantic writers champion feelings over reason?
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What characterizes the mood of the Romantic period?

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The poets and writers were interested in expressing intuition over reason and the natural/pastoral over the city life.

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One important element of Romantic literature is the emphasis on emotion, individualism, and nature. Romantic writers often explored themes of love, passion, and the supernatural in their works, and celebrated the beauty of the natural world.

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Key elements of Romantic philosophy include an emphasis on emotion, intuition, individualism, nature, the supernatural, and the power of imagination. Romantic thinkers valued subjects such as beauty, truth, and the sublime, often rejecting reason and logic in favor of feelings and creativity. They also emphasized the importance of the individual's experience and sought to break away from strict societal conventions.

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What do you do if your ex boyfriend is in love with you but you don't love him back?

Tell him. Do not lead him on or tell him something you don't mean; if the feelings are not reciprocated, so not tell him you love him to make him feel better or because you feel it's the nice/right thing to do. Have a serious talk with him & tell him that you two are exes for a reason & explain that you no longer have any romantic feelings for him. Do not make him confused about his feelings or pretend to like or love him if you don't.

What do you do if your ex-boyfriend is in love with you but you don't love him back?

Tell him. Do not lead him on or tell him something you don't mean; if the feelings are not reciprocated, so not tell him you love him to make him feel better or because you feel it's the nice/right thing to do. Have a serious talk with him & tell him that you two are exes for a reason & explain that you no longer have any romantic feelings for him. Do not make him confused about his feelings or pretend to like or love him if you don't.

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Convey the reason for the characters actions