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she needed it to kill things.................... i like pie

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Q: Why did karana need a tooth of the bull sea elephant?
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Why did karana want to kill a male sea elephant?

If you need this question's anwer..... you can find on the book,

On a bmx what tooth freewheel do you need if you have a 28 tooth spocket?

you would need a cassette. it would have to be 10 tooth

Why did the elephant need a credit card?

Because he was a "charging elephant."

How much space does an elephant need?

I think an elephant needs 1 square mile

Do you need x-ray if you already have a root canal but your tooth broke and all you need would be cleaning in the tooth all i need would be crown?

You may not need the x-ray, but your dentist may need the x-ray to make a correct diagnosis and properly treat the tooth. Follow your dentist's recommendations and let him/her do what they do to fix your tooth.

How do you overcome phobia of purple elephant?

As there is no such thing as a purple elephant, you are fortunate that you need never worry that your phobia will be triggered. Basically you do not need to do anything.

What ingredients do you need to make elephant toothpaste?

To make elephant toothpaste, you need hydrogen peroxide, dish soap, food coloring, and yeast.

Are bull sharks in California?

Bull sharks need to live in water where it is warmer.

I have a 25 tooth sprocket what tooth cassette do i need?

a 9 will do but an 8 would be better

Where is the translation key on shark tooth?

get it in the temple in shark tooth to get it u need a decoder.

Does your chipped tooth need a crown?


What do you need to go on a trip to Antarctica?

you would need lots of snow gear and food and you would need clothes and tooth paste and tooth brushes and pj's