He obviously either likes you or thinks you need it. you either are very hot or very pathetic...either or these things can lead to this long hug.
it means he loves you or hes cheating on you
I think any age should be fine i had my first hug at 10 it is a little late
hug at work? im guessing you mean your close to someone and you want to give them a friendly hug? well just do that give them a friendly hug... unless your in a relationship with this person then as long as it doesn't affect your work then feel free to0 hug how you do any other place.
Hug day isn't even a day !
It is ok, but dont make it seem that you like him. Just a friendly hug is fine.
Hug him first
Well he is your brother so he should let you hug him an stuff but its weird for him to touch and hug his freinds especially if he is a boy
yes i have one we hug and stuff and pretend to do are home work but dont we hug alot ya know
yes, it is a holiday! surprisingly it is hug an Asian day and or hug a ginger day. these days are very popular even for younger kids.
i dont want to hug a boy i want to hug a girl and do sex with her. do this only to mvm chennai girls because they are ready to have sex in the classrooms even i tried it to many girls of class 7 a3.
The Duggars can all side hug, even if they're not in a relationship. But, they have to be engaged to hold hands.