

Why cant you drink dirty water?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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Q: Why cant you drink dirty water?
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Can horses drink dirty water and be ok?

No! Horses should never drink dirty water. They should have access to clean water at all times.

Why do not drink dirty water?

It can make you sick.

What do water spiders drink?

all the dirty ness in it

Why would people drink dirty water that can cause them cholera?

maybe the people are poor and looking for water and dirty water is the only water they can get.

How is dirty water cleaned so it is fit to drink?

they dont you drink dirty water everyday I think what the question ment is how does water go from dirty and smelly to clean and drinkable heres a link on how water is made to be drinkable

What is polluted river water?

its dirty, unatural water that is also unsafe to drink

Why should we drink clean water?

Dirty water will make you sick or kill you.

Report on if you drink dirty water you will fall ill?

yes you will you will

What do wikings drink?

Beer, dirty water and the favorite; mead.

Is dirty water dangerous?

Dirty water is dangerous because its got loads of dirt in it which has LOADS of germs in! Would you want to drink that? No

What do African people drink?

They normally drink dirty water because that's all they have in life.