If the air conditioner is being stored in a cool, damp place while not in use mold and mildew might make it's home inside. If you're allergic to such things, turning it on could fill your house with sickening mold spores. Dismount the air conditioner and sanitize it.
helium is a gas that has no smell or tast and you can not see it
It makes things tast better
Feel Look Tast smell sound become appear grow seem
Smell is an important part of taste. without smell you would not taste anything. So if you don't have a sense of smell you won't have the sense of taste eather.
sensory has to do with your smell tast motor has to do with your moving around and you acttion
It makes the food more visually enjoyable and in some cases, makes it tast better
good tasying tabaco tast good and bad tasting tabaco abvously tast bad
it does'nt do anything it just makes it tast salty
It's used in bar lights, it's an inert gas (has a full electron shell), it is tast less and smell less
I think it can . Hmmm? no it wont make you sick it will just tast bad!
Ageusia is the loss of taste functions of the tongue. There can be a partial loss of tast which is known as Hypogeusia. I do not know what they call people who have lossed the taste though, Ageusians? Not sure! Loss of smell by the way, just in case you are sadly inflicted with this illness is known as Anosmia, which is technically the loss of olfactory functions in the nose, rendering your body unable to process smell :-(.
Doritos are cheese wich are baked with perfection and a dribble of pepper and salt.