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well maybe they are bad for you, but hey you can eat tomatoes so there is shame in crying over it

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Q: Why can't people eat tomato sprouts?
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Is a tomato that has sprouted seeds safe to eat?

The seeds of a tomato are inside it, and usually sprout after the tomato decays and the seeds can then germinate. Seeds can actually start to sprout inside the tomato if it is kept around long enough and at room temperature. Do not eat the sprouting seeds. The flesh of the tomato is probably OK, but it must be getting a bit old and the flavor might not be what you'd hope for. I'd toss it and get a fresher one. There may be a green leaf-like top on the tomato, this is part of the plant where it was attached to the vine. A tomato with one of those is perfectly edible - just pick off the piece, it will come away easily.

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No. Bean sprouts are root/plant and people eat it all the time.

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yes they do they also eat dry corn carrots alf alfa sprouts bean sprouts and parsley and turnips

How to eat tomato’s?

Eat them

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Yes they can.

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Eat your sprouts