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Because without brain body unable to reach on right place............................

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Q: Why brain important to your body?
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Which is the most important organ in your body heart or brain?

heart because if heart is not present in body brain do not get blood and so brain will damage

What is the most important of your body?

your heart and brain but really every part of you body is very important

Is the brain the most important part of your body?


In your brain or body what lobe is important for judgment and decision making?

Brain : the frontal lobes.

What is the most important organ of the body?

The brain is often considered the most important organ of the body. It controls all bodily functions, including thoughts, movements, and emotions. Without the brain, the body would not be able to function properly.

Which is most important part of your body for be a living being?

The Brain

What are three important parts of your body?

the three important parts are brain heart and lungs

Which is more important to the function of the human body the brain or the heart?

Both the brain and the heart are important to the function of the human body. If the brain is dead but the heart is still beating, the person is alive. However, if the heart stops, it means the person is dead. Therefore, the heart is more important.

Which organ is most important heart or brain?

heart because if heart is not present in body brain will not get blood and if brain will not get blood it will damage

What important muscle in your body moves without you asking it to?

Your heart and brain .

Is the brain more important than the heart?

Both the brain and the heart are essential organs for human survival, but they each serve different functions. The brain is responsible for processing information and controlling bodily functions, while the heart pumps blood and oxygen throughout the body. Both are equally important in maintaining overall health and functioning.

Why is the brain important to the body?

The brain keeps the blood flow (a.k.a the heart) pumping, and that not to mention the other organs that require the brain to keep them go'in.