

Best Answer

You can't date someone you haven't met yet. So the key is meeting a lot of people. Get out and join things where you will meet new people---clubs, hobbies, take evening classes in something you are interested in. Archery, cooking, Martial Arts, woodworking, etc. Or volunteer for a political or social cause you support---dog-walking at a local animal shelter, for example. At the very least you will be doing something you enjoy. At best, you will meet new people with similar interests and some of them might be relationship material. But if the pickings are slim in your current social circle, you have to expand it. Flirt and joke around too.

answer: you don't GET a boyfriend. you just have to wait for things to happen. like if you want a guy, but what if he doesn't like you? you can't force him to like you. but if he's willing to take chances with you then things may work out. just wait.. patience can help a lot. as time goes by the one who's destined to you will come. don't be in a hurry girl! ;) you have to be ur best at...flirting but you dont get 1 u have to c if he likes u first hey best bud this goes for t.g

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Q: Why boys r such jerks?
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why are boys such jerks to girls?

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Nope!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 me da society teach girls 2 be sluts and it teach boys 2 be jerks!!!!!!!!!!! (Not all of them doe cuz sum girls and boys r street smart?!!!?)

Why are boys mean about you?

because either they're jerks or they like you.

Why are some boys such jerks and say you liked someone from like 7th grade and he just doesnt lke you it seems like but just as nothing?

i think boys are such jerks because they think they have better things to do than make sure they love you:)stupid boys

What are boys such jerks?

well not all boys r jerks.......maby the ones u have encountered with r just imature guys who dont know ho to treat a girl....u will eventually find a guy who treats u right and will mean the world to u......till then just keep lookin and never give up and settle 4 a guy who doesnt treat u the way u deserve....good luck and best wishes!

Can a 13 year old participate in circle jerks?

With boys your own age.

Why are boys jerks sometimes?

Not all boys are that term necessarily. Some boys still haven't matured enough (hit puberty) and they still mock and act like a total goofball. Boys can also be jerks because they do not know how to interact normally, and think they're beyond the high levels of humanity which they aren't.

Are boys JERKS?

It all depends on the guy. Some guys are complete jerks. Others are very sweet and charming. But, if the boy is a jerk they are very immature so beware.

Why boys have all fun?

Because they are big jerks and hate girls happiness... Is that the answer you wanted? GOOD!

Discuss with me this why are boys jerks?

im a guy and honestly most guys are jerks but others arent. not every guy is mean. thanks..... are you a jerk cause if you are..... NO THANKS! do you jerk on your toliet seat??

How do you kick jerks out on nightclub city?

first u have to hire a bouncer, and then when you see a jerk coming in click on him and then click on the shoe. jerks have a yellow mohawk, pig top, white trousers and pink shoes. jerks are always boys and always look the same.

What if your a girl that dose not like guys any more?

Than your either a lesbian or all the boys you know is jerks.