Urochrome. This pigment is even responsible for the foul smell in urine.
-Well wisher of education
Serum bilirubin
jaundice ,liver disorders
Jaundice is a clinical term that defines coloration of eyeballs and skin with bile pigments. 2gr/dl bile levels in the blood are usually enough to change the colour of eyeballs to a yellowish green colour
The symptoms of bile duct obstruction are; abdominal pain, dark urine, fever, itching, jaundice, nausea or vomiting, and pale colored stools.
test for bile salts - Hay's sulphur powder test n test for bile pigments - fauchet's test
WBC's (pus) Glucose, bile pigments or blood proteins :)
liver is responsible for making bile . Bile is a greenish bitter digestive liquid that contains bile salts and bile pigments. Bile salts consist of death enthrocytes, RBC's- Biliverdin and Bilirubin. Bile pigments are responsible for the emulsification of fats.
The Herapathite reaction is a test for the detection of bile pigments, mainly bilirubin, in urine. It involves adding a reagent containing picric acid and acetic acid to the urine sample. If bile pigments are present, a green color will develop, indicating a positive result for bilirubin.
In obstructive jaundice, the flow of bile is blocked leading to accumulation of bile acids in the liver. Alkaline phosphatase is mainly found in the bile ducts and its elevation in obstructive jaundice is due to leakage of this enzyme into the bloodstream as a result of damage or obstruction in the bile ducts.
Bile is not typically excreted through the skin. Bile is produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder before being released into the intestines to aid in digestion. If there is a problem with the liver or bile ducts, it can sometimes lead to a condition called jaundice, where bile pigments can accumulate in the skin and cause a yellow discoloration.