Many people are entirely satisfied with what they have. Those who are not are considered greedy.
However, the exact cause of this is not known. It may be that such greediness is an evolutionary trait; gaining more than what you have makes you more likely to succeed at getting what you need.
sadly, pokemon arent real but try searching realistic pokemon on youtube. i think you will be satisfied.
they will reproduce (make babies all the time) and if the parents arent satisfied they will eat the children
If they are special you will know but if they cheat, they arent true. they might not ever be. I have the excperience of knowing things about this. Nobody but you can tell if they are going to change. My advise is ask a bff.
Lenny Bruce
No idiot arent you payin attention
downloading things that arent realeased yet.. songs,
his lesson was that things arent always what they seam
Sweating, nausia, seeing things that arent there.
Do all the things that will show love and care