Stop the sex!
Stop the sex!
There can be many reasons for why you are so tired all the time. Some of the common reasons are anemia and depression. Consult a doctor for a correct diagnosis.
You may feel weak all the time because you are exhausted,tired and need more sleep. Or you are not getting enough or the right nutrients your body needs to stay active. Maybe you are malnourished or your parents are too poor.... (what kind of question is this???) Feeling tired and weak is one of the primary symptoms of mononucleosis. It's also one of the primary symptoms of lupus. It's also one of the primary symptoms of depression. Whatever the problem is, the only person who can really help you is a doctor and/or psychiatrist/psychologist.
Because all the slaves were tired out by pulling things and all the had to eat was stale bread and water so they gradually get weaker every day.
After one full week of working, I was weak and tired.
Because cats sleep all the time anyhow, so they're almost never tired! Dogs work hard.
With each bout of fever the patient have a batch of red blood cells destructed. He gets hemolytic anaemia. That makes him to have less oxygenation of tissue and so he feels tired and weak.
you are very tired and weak to keep going on
anemia, poor diet, lack of sleep, and definitively depression
because i smoke so much weed my high drains all my energy du to my heart beating fast so when im coming down i usually go to bed and wake up tired cuz im still draind and since i smoke everyday im always tired.
You are really tired all the time so you can't do much and all you're muscles hurt so you really just need to relax and that will help you get it over it faster.