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Being very sleepy during the day can be a cause of not getting enough sleep during the night. It can also be that you are stressing about something. If you do a sport that requires a lot of your strength and energy, you can become tired and reslut in being sleepy. If sports is the case, it could be a high chance that you are dehydrating and not getting enough water. So remember to always drink water when being extrememly active. If you don't you can become so tired and sleepy that you may pass out.

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Q: Why are you so sleepy during the day?
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"Sleepy" refers to the feeling of being tired or drowsy and in need of rest or sleep. It is a natural bodily response that occurs when the body is in need of rest and recovery. Symptoms of feeling sleepy can include yawning, difficulty concentrating, and heavy eyelids.

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Does Vyvanse affect sleep apnea?

Effexor XR increases serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain. Serotonin makes people sleepy, and norepinephrine wakes them up. Since everybody's brain is wired differently, Effexor might make one person sleepy while waking up another person. Sleep apnea is a disorder in which a person stops breathing over and over again during the night. Because of this, the person does not get a restful sleep. As a consequence, during the day he is very sleepy. Some people with sleep apnea are so sleepy during the day that they doze off while driving their cars. Thus, sleep apnea is a potentially fatal disease. Sleep apnea can be treated with CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure), a device which has a mask which is worn all night long, and keeps the person's throat open with air pressure so that the person does not stop breathing while sleeping. If a patient is taking Effexor, and it tends to make that particular patient sleepy, and the patient has sleep apnea, and the sleep apnea is not being treated, then the Effexor is potentially dangerous for that patient to take. It will make him even more sleepy during the day, and might even increase the frequency of his apneic episodes during the night. If Effexor makes the patient more alert, on the other hand, it might be beneficial. However, Effexor does not affect the mechanism that causes the person to stop breathing during the night. So it is not a treatment for sleep apnea.

What is the strongest day?

The concept of a "strongest day" is subjective and can vary depending on the individual's beliefs or perspectives. It could be interpreted as the day someone feels empowered, accomplished, or successful, or it could be a particular day known for historical or personal significance.

What could be a typical day in classroom?

learn about stuff and get rele sleepy

Do sunglasses make you sleepy?

Wearing sunglasses can reduce exposure to bright light, which can help regulate your circadian rhythm and improve sleep quality. However, if worn indoors or in low-light conditions, sunglasses can make you tired by decreasing natural light exposure necessary to keep you awake and alert.