Pooping is not bad. It's not good to hold it in everyday.
well they recycle energy by pooping and peeing and eating what they let out I know it sounds nasty but well Its true !<3
The master is pooping
Pooping may be smelly, but yes
strength is highly important in gymnastics. i know from years of training and completing at olyipics, worlds and coaching that strength is needed most when... *pooping *eating poop *pooping on people *pooping out of the mouth *Pooping on judges *pooping while spinning *** most important Pooping in/on another gymnist the more strength you have for these things the better you will get. trust me i am Bob McRyan
by pooping
Then you are constipated
A kitten may meow when pooping due to discomfort or to seek attention from its owner.
for pooping
By Pooping
by pooping