there is no reason to be bleeding at all while pregnant so contact your doctor immediately:/
Scans dont always show anything until after 6 weeks.
You aren't if you were 7 days late you would be around 5 weeks pregnant. The way an estimated due date works is you start from the first day of your last period. Unless you are 14 weeks pregnant and got your dates confused or had bleeding that you thought was a period but was something like implantation bleeding.
Yes. You should take a home pregnancy test and/or see a Dr as soon as possible.
Bleeding lightly for a few days then it starts to get heavy can many a few things. It depends on your health and your medical history and you could also be pregnant.
Congratulations on your pregnancy. Light bleeding during pregnancy is a common occurance. However if your bleeding is red then its advisable you go to A&E for a ultrasound scan and necessary blood tests to determine whether this is a early miscarriage. Good luck x
i do not know, im not a doctor
go to the docter not here
You are not protected if you have not completed the 3 weeks, so yes, you could get pregnant.
If you are 76 days pregnant, you have about 28 weeks to go.
I had bleeding in first 6weeks of pregnancy no cramps though and am now 18 weeks pregnant just relax good luck xxxxxxx
no you're not pregnant.
I'm not sure I'm in the same situation I had Implantation bleeding 11 days after my period then 2 weeks after I got my period so I'm not so sure. I wonder If people who have periods while pregnant get Implantation bleeding right at the beginning Pink Princess