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Lack of sugar, or lack of sleep.

In case of the first one, eat something. But not necessarily sweet or chocolate. Have some coffe and piece of dark bread or pastry, or fruit.

In case of the second, take a nap :)

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Q: Why are you dizzy and groggy in the middle of the day?
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What is the meaning of groggy?

Dizzy, a little disoriented and uncomposed.

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befuddles, bewildered, confused, staggered, groggy, muddled, vertiginous, wobbly, woozy ill or sick - per source [2].

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The cast of His Dizzy Day - 1921 includes: Monty Banks

How do you use groggy in a sentence?

I feel groggy after an afternoon nap.

Can bananas make you dizzy?

five or more bannanas and calery 1 day can make you dizzy and tired

How do you use the word groggy in a sentence?

(Groggy is an adjective, and means dazed, weak, or unsteady, esp. from illness, intoxication, sleep, or a blow)"The sleeping pills had left her feeling groggy in the morning.""The groggy night watchman did not notice the stealthy art thief."

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Dizzy played the Trumpet from the age of 10 till the day he died. That would be 1927-1992.

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dazed unsteady

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sleepy; groggy

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he is alive because in the gears of war 3 trailer at the end when there stuck in the middle you see dom anya cole baird dizzy an d more