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Q: Why are women gentle?
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What does the name Kida mean?

it means beautiful, strong, gentle women.

When did florence nightingale become a gentle women?

She was born a gentlewoman - her parents were very rich.

What common belief was used by progressives to fight prostitution?

women were naturally good and gentle

What would be some good makes of women's shavers that are gentle?

There are several good makers of women's shavers that are gentle. The Panasonic Close Curves, The Braun Silk and the ConAir Satin Smooth Ladies Shaver are all good makers of womens shavers.

What will happen if men sucking women breast harder?

It will hurt the woman. Be gentle that is delicate tissue.

Should you bite a womans nipples during sex?

I am a women and personally, If u don't do it that hard, I like it. I dont know about other women. If you are gonna bite her niples, please be gentle!

It is impossible to understand and please women?

no it is not impossible to please a woman some of you mens most learn to be gentle and know how to take care of a lady

How can you Perform Cunnilingus on her or How can be a Cilt erection Any suggestion Please?

To perform cunnilingus on a female, act as if you were licking a lollipop. Use soft, gentle strokes of the tongue. Some women have \"clit\" erections and some women do not.

What do girls or women look for in a guy?

Kindness, gentleness, etc. They want a guy who's strong enough to protect them, yet gentle enough to love them.

Is it possible to use the word gentle with the following words attitude temper mood manner behavior?

If you mean as in "gentle attitude, gentle temper, gentle mood, gentle manner, and gentle behavior," yes, that is possible.

Is gentle a noun?

If you're talking about bait for fishing, then it's gentles, otherwise gentle is an adjective or a verb.

What is a good sentence for gentle?

A good sentence for gentle is "When a baby is born you have to be very gentle with is."