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Q: Why are stinkbugs smell so important?
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Related questions

How are stinkbugs and skunks similar?

They both don't smell pleasant when threatened.

What is the best way to attract stinkbugs?

Stinkbugs like apples, so . . .

If you crush a stinkbug will the smell attracted other stinkbugs?

no crushing a stink bug will not atract other stink bugs but the smell is hard to get rid of

What animal uses smell as a weapon besides a skunk?

Weasels, badgers, stinkbugs, there are lots of animals that use this for protection.

Do stinkbugs have spots?

NO stinkbugs dont have spots

Why is Indonesia so important?

you smell

Why is charitable so important to Muslims?

because they smell

What is the best way to get rid of stinkbugs in the house?

Burn it or sell iT so its someelse's problem

Do stinkbugs eat ladybugs?


Where do stinkbugs live?


Why was perfume so important to Arabs?

Because they wanted to smell good!

Should you get rid of stinkbugs?
