

Why are some people gingers?

Updated: 9/7/2023
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14y ago

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I'm ginger and i got it from my mums side of the family because my aunty's ginger.

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indeed he is (:

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Q: Why are some people gingers?
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Are gingers feisty?

Although the stereotype of "gingers" is to be fiery like the flames suggested by their hair color, the only effect their hair color actually has on their personality is in response to how other people treat them based on their preconceived notions. Some gingers are feisty. Some are very reserved. Some gingers are extroverts. Some gingers are introverts. Some gingers have quick tempers. Some gingers are incredibly patient and slow to anger. Some are belligerent. Some are conciliatory and consensus seekers. Their personalities are all over the map - JUST LIKE ANY OTHER HAIR COLOR. They are no more likely to be "feisty" than any other hair color.

Why don't people like gingers?

Gingers are the same as people with any other hair color, there is no reason to dislike them.

Do gingers have friends?

Yes, gingers can have friends just like anyone else. Hair color does not determine a person's ability to form friendships or relationships with others.

Do gingers have the same texture hair as blacks?

No. Many red heads (gingers) have hair that lies flat to their heads, and though some have curlier hair, it's not that same type curly hair that black people grow.

What percentage of people in Scotland are gingers?

To be honest barely anyone in Scotland are ginger im Scottish and I have brown hair ginger Scots are a stereotype.Also why did u say gingers it would be nicer 'saying why do Scootish people have ginger hair?' The answer is some scottish people have ginger hair because of their pale skin and the weather

How long do white people live?

because some white people are gingers ( red heads) and they dont have souls so they die at a very young age :)

Are potatoes and gingers fruit?

no potatoes and gingers are not fruit.

What is the plural of ginger?

The plural of ginger is gingers. As in "these cats are gingers".

What is the disease that most gingers are known to have?

There are no diseases specific to red haired people.

Why would people make fun of gingers?

Ginger's aren't made fun of because they have 'red hair'. They are made fun of because they are pale with freckles and have red hair (usually frizzy). They are considered ugly, by people who are not gingers.

Why are people attracted to gingers?

Some people are attracted to redheads, or gingers, due to their unique appearance, which can stand out in a crowd. Red hair is a genetic trait that can be considered striking or alluring to individuals who appreciate diversity in physical characteristics. Ultimately, attraction is subjective and varies from person to person.

Why is Rupert grint so hot?

because he is a ginger some gingers are ugly but he is not.