it's're gonna watch people when your 3 or 4.those people will influence need to learn to not be mean.
no one knows because people sometimes can be mean and but is does not mean that they are always mean sometimes they can be nice so the answer is inpossible to answer
There mean
People are sometimes mean because they like watching people get hurt or be in pain. It comes to satisfaction to them to see it happen.
Sometimes people remember their past and they want to do their revenge.
Well some people are funny at times: Sometimes they are mean sometimes nice and ya. If they do that, that means they are not normal people they are crazy. That is kinda called EMOTIONAL. They change their feelings all the time! If you do it more and more, that will b yr habit
They can sometimes get aggravated with the current situation in life.
They are bad. Sometimes the monarchs are mean or evil.
some people don't mean any thing by it ,or sometimes they like you or your boyfriend
Because they love you! he's checking you out! but sometimes maybe they just for nothing really! so sometimes love and sometimes for nothing!
because is was mean and dirty to people and animals sometimes! so that why
They act strange, laugh at you, and sometimes they are mean to you.
Sometimes they really mean it and sometimes they are just saying it to make you feel better (its unfortunate but they do).