To help prevent injury as they 'come to'. it also helps to free the airway.
when your patients blood pressure is low.
In the recovery position
Laying down with their feet elevated above their heart.
The injured athlete should be placed on their side in the recovery position to prevent choking. This position will help keep their airway clear while allowing any vomit to exit the mouth. Medical assistance should be sought immediately if vomiting continues or if the athlete's condition worsens.
Some people use synonymously recovery position and modified H.A.IN.E.S. recovery position. As you can see from the related link, they are slightly different.
Conscious patients do not require to be put in the recovery position but they do still need to be treated for shock so keep them sitting and warm until help arrives.
Do not put a person with a suspected neck or back injury in the recovery position.
The recovery position.
Position into recovery position
Upright Position,Recumbent Position,Semi Recumbent Position,Prone Position,Recovery Position .. :))) Hope It help's .
how do you position patient forpanorex
Yes you should put a victim in a recovery position when victim is unresponsive and breathing.