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If your question is: Why are most actresses skinny?

Society requires them to be and the camera is not forgiving to plumper figures, especially for women.

If your question is: Why do most actresses look skinny?

They are actually skinny accept if you are looking at pictures, then you can bet they have been Photoshopped.

If your question is: How are most actresses skinny?

They can afford to be. They have personal chiefs, trainers, and dietitians at their disposal. If that doesn't cut it they have doctors who will fix them with drugs or surgery.

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Q: Why are most of all actresses look skinny?
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Why are most of all actresses are skinny?

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If you have a healthy skinny body and you dont care about how you look then your most likely to eat whatever. If you a large person you usally want to eat healthy to lose weight. If your skinny and you want to remain that way at all times then you most likely to eat healthier.

Where did the word skinny relAting to thiN come from?

Probably "Look at you, you're all skin and bones."