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Guys use love to get sex and Girls use sex to get love!

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Q: Why are guys always love leading girls on when they don't actually like them?
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Since girls dont have a groin what do they have?

Actually girls DO have groins

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boys dont always like girls if they swear

How do you get girls to like you but they didnt the 1st time they saw you?

be nice and dont always be around her be nice and dont always be around her

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Guy's dont like drama that is for sure, and how girls are always worried about how they look or when a girls talks about herself allot.

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pink is always for girls .. umm i dont think so

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some girls arent interested and maybe theyre lesbians but thts not always the reason.....

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no they dont always only because they argue it dont mean they go out when they are teenagers

What do the girls thinks about the boys?

i dont know who your refuring about "the girls" but i think you mean girls in general. depends girls dont always think the same. we all have different personalities. if your interested in a girl why dont you just confront her and talk....just as friends you dont want to come on to strong. dont show off or anything. and dont worry. if you want a more specific answer or any more questions you would like me to answer just message me :]

Is there a website where girls can write a personal diary?

you can make a blog or sthn. I dont think there is actually a site. :)

Do girls not get that I'm trying to help them and be nice?

answer.well idk whats wrong with the girls you help but me i would actually love the help.but some girls are just stubborn and dont want help because they want to prove that they dont need help from anyone.but if those girls cant appreciate the help your trying to give then dont waste your time on them.

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Actually some girls have menstration when they are 12. In fact, most girls do. But alot of girls still dont, and thats because they're bodies have not matured enough.

If your in school the girls keep saying your cute or just always talking to you what do you do i tried saying stop nicley and everything?

SLAP HER but im nice i dont slap girls