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It is mostly a custom, or a fashion. Structurally speaking, there is no other need for brassieres than support to keep the breasts from sagging as women age.

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Q: Why are girls use braiser?
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What are the main differences between a Dutch oven and a braiser, and how do these differences impact their performance in cooking various dishes?

The main differences between a Dutch oven and a braiser are their shape and size. A Dutch oven is deeper and has higher walls, while a braiser is shallower with wider cooking surface. These differences impact their performance in cooking as a Dutch oven is better for dishes that require long, slow cooking like stews and soups, while a braiser is ideal for dishes that need to be seared and then braised in liquid, like braised meats or vegetables.

What is a braiser used for in cooking?

A braiser is a cooking pot with a tight-fitting lid that is used for slow cooking food at low temperatures. It is ideal for braising, which is a cooking method that involves browning meat and then simmering it in liquid until it is tender.

What are the differences between a braiser and a Dutch oven in terms of their cooking capabilities and which one would be more suitable for slow cooking dishes?

A braiser and a Dutch oven are both versatile cooking vessels, but they have some differences in terms of their cooking capabilities. A braiser typically has a wider surface area and shorter sides, making it ideal for browning meats and vegetables before simmering them in liquid. On the other hand, a Dutch oven has higher sides and is better suited for slow cooking dishes that require longer cooking times, such as stews and braises. Therefore, a Dutch oven would be more suitable for slow cooking dishes due to its ability to retain heat and cook food evenly over an extended period of time.

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How do I use girls' in a sentence?

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What side of the brain do girls use?

Girls use both sides of their brains, just like boys do.

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Girls use kotex during their periods.

Do most girls use a plug for there period?

Most girls do use a plug also known as a tampon but however use what's mos comterbul for you

Do guys want girls who use moisturizer?

99% if guys could not possibly care less if girls use moisturizer or not.