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Farts are smelly because of what you eat. When you eat, it goes in to your stomach. Then the acids in your stomach are working to digest the food. After that bacteria break down the foods generating gasses that smell.

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Q: Why are farts are smelly?
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Do pigs have smelly farts?

Pigs can produce gas that can sometimes have an odor, similar to other animals. Their digestive system can produce methane, which can lead to smelly gas, but not all pig farts are necessarily smelly.

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farts are smelly

Why do fiberglass boats float?

Becuase they float off of smelly cheesey farts

Are smelly farts a sign of stomach problems a dog?

No they can get gas just like people.

What are the different types of farts?

Eggy Fart the kind that smells like rottin eggs Juicy Fart the kind of fart that hurts when it comes out of your butthole and smells, and feels juicy Loud Fart the kind of fart that comes out loudly Silent farts quiet farts that are silent but deadly cause of the smell Fart A regular fart Poopie farts farts that come out when you are pooping and farting at the same time Humungous farts very loud and huge farts that are VERYYYYY!!!!!!! smelly Vibrate farts farts that make a vibrate sound when you are sitting on a chair that is hard Smelly farts farts that smell sooooooooo bad and knock you out and last but not least........................bad farts

How are farts created?

Farts are created when food is digested in the intestines/colon. FARTS FARTS FARTS FARTS FARTS

Can you decrease the smell of your farts?

NO you can not decrease the smell of your farts. Farts ,as gross as it may seem, are gases from your stomach that are released through two points in the body, mouth ( burp) and you butt ( farts) . You cannot decrease the smell because everything you eat makes you fart. So when you fart sometimes it smelly. It is just the build up of gases being released. Just hope it is not smelly in class!

Do turtles fart?

yes turtles fart. you can see when they have farted . farts are SO smelly!

What do monkey farts smell like?

It apparantley smells of a rotten fish